Friday, May 6, 2011

with love, development

Ever see that Google Chrome: Dear Sophie ad?  No?!  Geez, what kind of comfy rock are you living under &&& why wasn't I invited to the housewarming party?  Check it out.  It'll bring tears to your eyes and warm up your insides.  Aw, we DO have feelings & a heart!

Done wiping your tears?  Okay let's move onto the good stuff!  So I would love to recreate this & proclaim my love.

Dear Sleep,

From the moment I was born, I had this relationship with you.  We were always together... sleeping.  No pun intended.  It was beautiful.  I started getting older and wanted to play outside with the other kids.  I know that's when we had our rocky moments.  The words "nap time" and "bed time" just weren't working out with me.  Then we basically broke up during my teen years.  I saw more of my middle school and high school than I saw you, Sleep.  I wanted to keep coming back to you, but those dance practices, competitions and choir gigs just kept getting in the way.

It wasn't until college that we were able to get reacquainted with each other.  The words "nap time" happened more frequently. 

I even remember the one time that we spent a great 16 hours together.  It was quite a long time and I was a bit groggy after, but it was much needed time together.  Then life after college happened and "nap time" didn't happen as often, but "going to bed early" was just wonderful.

Sleep, I just wanted to say that from the moment I was born, it was love at first sight.  You had me at hello.  I know that we had our ups and downs, but I know that you will always be there for me.  Through thick and thin.  For better or worse.  'til death do us part.  I love you Sleep!

With love,
Development xoxo

PS - I'm so glad that we're reunited because it feels so good. :)

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