Friday, August 26, 2011


Remember in high school when we had to do outlines before we wrote our papers, it works for deciding if you should eat or drink something as well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


WARNING: This post might be too nerdy for some of you...

I don't even know how to describe this photo other than NERDGASM. I mean hello!! Math & Batman! Did I mention BATMAN?!?!

So who's brave enough to try this equation? Any takers?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So, I'm at work and doing what I have to do.  I come across this advertising agency only to see that their website is under construction.  For once, I don't mind this website being under construction.  Want to know why?

They let you draw!  &&& there's 4 different colors!  Have fun!

Friday, May 13, 2011

slow rider, take it easy

Just another Thursday night in Los Angeles.  Research & Development go about their usual Thursday routine... and there was a Lakers game on.  Development is a huge fan - best way to her heart if I say so myself. ;)  She's taking applications, haha.

Anyway, at the bar you hear this in the background "slow rider, take it easy".  Development, engrossed in the Lakers game screams at the TV "TIP IT IN!" Research, with that innocent mind of hers says...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hi I'm Hollywood, How Can I Ruin Something For You???

For you folks who aren't familiar with Akira, it's a Japanese cyberpunk movie (Anime) based on a manga. Both movie and manga were directed and written by Katsuhiro Otomo from the 80's. If you're interested, read the manga or rent the movie on netflix. Needless to say this is a cult classic. So Warner Brothers decides to make a film.  Okay, first thought cool, maybe.

The characters are in their teens. Shotaro Kaneda, the main character is about 15 or 16. He is a leader of a gang and rides a kick ass bike! Who do they decide to cast as Kaneda? Keanu Reeves! Isn't he busy filming Bill & Ted pt 4 or something? Just because he was in a sci-fi movie doesn't mean he should make more!
Let's play spot the differences???

Friday, May 6, 2011

with love, development

Ever see that Google Chrome: Dear Sophie ad?  No?!  Geez, what kind of comfy rock are you living under &&& why wasn't I invited to the housewarming party?  Check it out.  It'll bring tears to your eyes and warm up your insides.  Aw, we DO have feelings & a heart!

Done wiping your tears?  Okay let's move onto the good stuff!  So I would love to recreate this & proclaim my love.

Dear Sleep,

From the moment I was born, I had this relationship with you.  We were always together... sleeping.  No pun intended.  It was beautiful.  I started getting older and wanted to play outside with the other kids.  I know that's when we had our rocky moments.  The words "nap time" and "bed time" just weren't working out with me.  Then we basically broke up during my teen years.  I saw more of my middle school and high school than I saw you, Sleep.  I wanted to keep coming back to you, but those dance practices, competitions and choir gigs just kept getting in the way.

It wasn't until college that we were able to get reacquainted with each other.  The words "nap time" happened more frequently. 

I even remember the one time that we spent a great 16 hours together.  It was quite a long time and I was a bit groggy after, but it was much needed time together.  Then life after college happened and "nap time" didn't happen as often, but "going to bed early" was just wonderful.

Sleep, I just wanted to say that from the moment I was born, it was love at first sight.  You had me at hello.  I know that we had our ups and downs, but I know that you will always be there for me.  Through thick and thin.  For better or worse.  'til death do us part.  I love you Sleep!

With love,
Development xoxo

PS - I'm so glad that we're reunited because it feels so good. :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So I'm surfing through the internet and come across this post.  It's a conversation that a person was having with AT&T.  Definitely a must read.  Don't know why I didn't think to do something similar ever before!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wanna be a Superhero?

Interested in being a superhero? If so, you must have 3 important qualities:




 3. MUST HAVE DEAD PARENTS. (This is the most important one. It guarantees success.) 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

seriously, follow us...

Not going to lie, we're getting quite the fan base.  So a friend of ours was praising us about this blog that you're reading right this second.  Oh yea, we know... you're addicted too.  Totally understand.  We're amazing... why wouldn't you want to read all about the random shenanigans that go through our heads.  Like we said, quite entertaining!

& somehow I digress.  So she was telling Research & I about how funny our posts are (why, thank you!) and how she thinks that this is going to do really well (stop, you're making us blush!).  Of course, we advertise/market it and tell her to follow us on Blogger.  She responds back, "I'm following you already on Facebook and shared it on my wall".

With two serious faces we respond back, "We know, but seriously... follow us on Blogger."

This probably is one of those "you had to be there moments", but seriously I'm talking to you.  Follow us on Blogger! :)  Thank you, come again!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Move Bitch Get Out The Way

Ever sit at a bar or hell even computer labs at school and have a staring contest with anyone? I DO!

Yet another night at our local watering hole, Development and I sitting at the bar drinks on hand with a pen and a napkin. While writing, Development and I notice a guy staring (this game has been played before between this guy and I).

Development: He's staring again... ( leans in to look at what I'm writing)

Research: Get out of his way! You're keeping him at staring!

Development: (leans back) Is that better?

Research: (checks) YES!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

no, independence day isn't all that important

I remember this guy and I are born on the same day so I make note - "Oh he and I are born on the 4th of July... we're totally amazing!"

Research... always gotta one up me says, "... and I'm born on the 12th.  I'm better!"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friday's Eve

According to Research, Thursday's don't exist anymore.  Read on... you know you want to! ;)

Research:  Just leave work already.
Development: Yea right... I wish.
Research: It's Friday's Eve... just go!
Development: Hahahahaha... no words.

.... sometimes, I wonder why we're friends!  Enjoy your Friday's Eve!

Monday, March 21, 2011

FB Randomness 1

This is pretty much self explanatory.  If you can't figure it out, I don't know what to tell you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Confusing Starbucks & Bars

Don't you love those lazy days when you head yourself to a coffee shop with a friend.  Sit there with coffee in hand to catch up.  Or rather, in our case to read... but those books didn't get open because we talk too much apparently.

In the midst of catching up and realizing that Starbucks is about to close on this beautiful lazy Sunday, Research and I had an interesting conversation that lead us to a quote we will never forget.

Research: do they do last calls at Starbucks?

Development: I don't think so.

Research: That's why I like bars.  They give you last calls.

Raise Your Hand if this Pertains to You.


As I was sitting in my car this today enjoying my Sunday morning...that and I thought I started work an hour before I was supposed to...oopsie hehe. I started thinking how awesome it would be to hae minions? Don't judge me, wouldn't you like to have minions? OMG that would be the dream. So how do I go about recruiting minions? Hmm this is something to really think about, I should get started on this. Any suggestions?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Geeks Unite!!

OMFG!!! Zelda Crossword?!?! This just made our productive Saturday morning!
I mean seriously, what's next? WoW Word Search? Oooh that  would be as awesome as an Easter Bunny pooping jelly beans!