Not going to lie, we're getting quite the fan base. So a friend of ours was praising us about this blog that you're reading right this second. Oh yea, we know... you're addicted too. Totally understand. We're amazing... why wouldn't you want to read all about the random shenanigans that go through our heads. Like we said, quite entertaining!
& somehow I digress. So she was telling Research & I about how funny our posts are (why, thank you!) and how she thinks that this is going to do really well (stop, you're making us blush!). Of course, we advertise/market it and tell her to follow us on Blogger. She responds back, "I'm following you already on Facebook and shared it on my wall".
With two serious faces we respond back, "We know, but seriously... follow us on Blogger."
This probably is one of those "you had to be there moments", but seriously I'm talking to you. Follow us on Blogger! :) Thank you, come again!
If you would like more people to read this blog, don't make it look like it's a rapist website with the junior high school font and tacky colors.